[Vwdiesel] PD cam failure & Guttless Jett

brian gochnauer brian at gochnauer.net
Sat Apr 4 06:35:27 PDT 2009

I have the electronic version of a bently called eBahn manuals for the Jetta
and Golf from 1999-2009 covering both gass and diesel engines. This means I
can "print-to-a-file" and send you information, but I'm not sure what your
looking for.

If the cam lobes and followers are smooth and there is no, what looks like
 'cracking'  of the contact surfaces.
The first stage is discoloring (some is normal) then has it gets darker gray
you'll see the cracking start to form as is breaks through surface hardening
of the camshaft lobes and followers (lifters). The cracking is actually not
cracks but small flakes of the surface coming off in an irregular pattern.
Once one side (camshaft lobe) or the other (follower/lifter) starts to fail
(crackling) the time to complete failure will not be very long, probably
less than 5k miles.

You'd have to carefully inspect the cam for surface crackling as well as the
followers, with both installed you can't really get a good look them. You
could probably check the camshaft, as it can be rotated and inspected by
hand turning the engine.

I guess I don't have your complete story but the '04 Jetta w/BEW engine is
not what you'd call 'quick' by most standards.
And the tranny ratios are different in gas and diesel engines.

Let me know if you need specific 'printed' info from the manual.


On 4/3/09, travis gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I would be very interested in knowing the facts on the cam as well. I did
> find that there isn't much fact on the tdiclub.com website either as your
> really have to search for the facts and most of the things are off topic. I
> have only taken the valve cover off my 04 Golf and the cam looks fine so far
> at 69K miles. I can't verify if the correct oil specification was used
> before me as I bought it at 58K miles.
> With the Jetta being under powered, don't forget that it may have a higher
> geared tranny. My truck has much better go power then my car did with the
> same rebuilt engines but my car was at a lower rpm. Check the tranny code
> and search the gear ratios on the net. Either that or invest in a larger
> engine. My car recieved the 1.9 td engine and now there isn't any passing
> problems.
> Travis G.
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