[Vwdiesel] Bad experience on TDI club
Patrick Dolan
pmdolan at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 4 13:37:27 PDT 2009
What value are you getting reported that makes you believe you need to change oil at 4k??????
About the only thing a VVT system can do to "stress" an oil is squirt it at high pressure through a small orifice (hydraulic consideration), and, if your oil is a dino with a lot of VI (sorry....Viscostiy Improver = long chain polymer easily damaged in hydraulic applications) you could see the VI (sorry.....here I go again.....Viscosity INDEX) or viscosity itself dropping out of grade. If you are using a "high quality synthetic" there shouldn't BE much (sometimes any) VI additive, or if it has, something cyclic rather than linnear (referring to configuration of carbon).
Really curious.
----- Original Message -----
From: mikitka <mikitka at embarqmail.com>
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2009 1:52 pm
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Bad experience on TDI club
> One thing a TDI owner might do if their engine is in question on
> this. (Yes
> it is an added cost but might be worth doing.) That is having your oil
> analyzed. That might help in catching any sever wear issues at
> hand.
> Case in point. Our 08 Acadia with the new 3.6L VVT engine is
> killing the
> engine oil. I can't go past 4k miles on an oil change, even with
> running a
> high quality synthetic. There seems to be an issue with the
> engine design
> and since the oil system runs the variable valve timing it is
> putting extra
> strain on the oil. Maybe something kind of similar in the TDI's?
> Nick
> Since so many have asked:
> There "appears" to be a problem with the PD (unit injector) TDI
> made
> from 04-07. Some, and no one can seem to quantify how many, of
> these
> engines are suffering from premature failure of the cam, cam
> bearings,
> and lifters. Actually only about 1/2 of them go bad but that is a
> different story. The cause may be: poor quality of the metal in
> the
> cam (manufacturing flaw), asymmetrical pressure on the cam and
> lifters
> due to the lobes on the cam that fire the injectors (design flaw),
> or
> possibly use of the improper oil by the owner or even by VW
> dealerships (stupidity flaw) (VW recommends oil that meets a
> 505.01
> standard and you won't believe the arguments over this!), Now, I
> personally have no problems yet but when I get time I do intend to
> pull the valve cover and have a look see. But, to save time, I
> have
> listed below the 3 questions I asked on the TDI Club forum and the
> answer I finally got. The answers are in the form of posts on the
> forum so simply click on them to find out. BTW I think we got two
> different posts mixed up, I don't find my Jetta "gutless and low
> powered, just the opposite, especially since it is chipped to
> produce
> 125 hp. Hayden
> 1) What symptoms are exhibited by a PD engine, during normal
> operation, that would lead one to believe that the excessive wear
> problem has occurred?
> http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=2414784&postcount=72
> 2) If I remove the valve cover, what can I expect to see if the
> excessive cam wear has occurred?
> http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=2313139&postcount=1
> 3) What parts are necessary for repair and who can supply those parts?
> http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=1998933&postcount=2
> Hope this may help.
> " Those who are willing to sacrifice Liberty for Security, deserve
> neither Liberty nor Security." Ben Franklin
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