[Vwdiesel] CV Joint grease

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Apr 5 17:12:20 PDT 2009

  I put Amsoil synthetic in my Rabbit's joints when I rebuilt the engine.  
Figured it was worth the little more it cost.  For the most part it 
seemed awfully the same but it was a tad more smooth maybe. 
  A friend that mostly watched that day, rubbed a bit between his 
thumb and finger.  He called the next day to say that after 3 washings 
of his hands, he could still feel the difference where he'd rubbed it 
on his finger.  The regular stuff seemed to come off much easier.  
He was really impressed and he'd helped me a lot with that kind of 
  As mentioned it's the Moly you're looking for!

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