[Vwdiesel] Trip

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Apr 6 17:55:36 PDT 2009

  We're heading from central WA to central KS.  If anybody along the 
route wants to try and get together for lunch, snack or just a short 
visit, let me know and I'll get my cell number to you or such.
  Kinda short notice.  In getting ready I kept forgetting to post this. 

  We should be on I-90 From George WA to Billings MT from 8 or 9 AM 
until about 12 hours later (Tuesday).  Wednesday we'll head out about 
7 or 8 for another 12+ to probably Burlington CO down I-25 and onto 
I-70 I believe.  Then it's finish up the last 5 or 6 hours to Inman KS.

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