[Vwdiesel] Fuel system check valves

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Wed Apr 15 13:16:42 PDT 2009

That should have read "isn't leaking down", sorry for my poor typing

I'm set to replace most the fuel lines, I'm sure they have never been  
changed and could use it. I have some silicone line for the injector  
returns and will get some clear line for the ip feed, I do know I end  
up with a lot of air showing in the clear feed line, I even get air  
bubbles on the filter side of the line when priming things with the  
Thanks for the tips Loren.
On Apr 14, 2009, at 11:07 PM, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 4/14/2009 7:12:59 AM Central Daylight Time,
> vbriggs at stny.rr.com writes:
>> My ip is leaking down, at
>> least I don't see any puddles or drips under it.
>   There are many places it can leak.  A couple are on the pump, the  
> biggest
> of which is the input shaft seal.  It can leak air and not fuel (at  
> lest
> with
> the low sulphur, not so sure about the ULSD.)  The fuel return line is  
> old
> enough that if it's original, it's probably seeping along a good share  
> of
> it.
> That'd be the most likely place you're leaking air in.  Connections  
> from
> tank to hood on both circuits, the small injector return lines, I've  
> seen
> cracked nipples on the injector bodies, light kinks in the clear supply
> line that cracked a small pinhole and even the crimped fittings on the
> later clear lines that have hose and crimp connections at each end of
> the clear.  Leak/s could be at any of those places.
>   The nice thing is power usually improves when its fixed and economy
> sometimes even goes up a tad.  :-)
>      Loren
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