[Vwdiesel] 2001 Golf headlight issue

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Fri Apr 17 06:37:02 PDT 2009

hey gang
to go along with my intermittent blinkers, I have an intermittent RT  
(pass) headlight
in fact, not so intermittent right now
just not working
but it is not bulb - every once in a while both headlights work
(high beams are fine both sides)
is there any way to troubleshoot faulty connection here, and in turn  
signal circuit?
any known issues/fixes?
I understand wiring harness is problematic, but (I believe) PO  
replaced it
any SOP for tracing/fixing these issues?
electricals are not my strong suit
- Rolf in MA

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