[Vwdiesel] 2005 Passat TDI
matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Fri Apr 17 11:35:21 PDT 2009
In the mk4/B5 cars, the door lock modules have a switch that is pressed by the pivot arm that grabs the door striker. Those switches are just little cheapie pushbutton switches that are being hit from the side. Not exactly a perfect angle. I've had my doors apart twice to fix them, but the modules themselves are fine. The last time I had it apart, I found the switch and discovered that the pushbutton was pretty munched in there. There are numerous threads on this subject at VW Vortex and TDIclub. Hopefully, I can finally fix these things, as they've been driving me nuts for years.
-----Original Message-----
>From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
>Sent: Apr 17, 2009 1:50 PM
>To: 'Matt_Lisa' <matt_lisa at sprynet.com>, 'Greg Johnson' <gregsj2 at gmail.com>, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] 2005 Passat TDI
>Really... (shaking head...)
>I have the advantage of having the 05 still under extended VW "certified" screwjob... err.. warranty. I'll see if they are still covered, but last time my parents had a door convenience module changed out was a 280cdn bill off warranty IIRC. It's mostly labor, as Mitchell gives it 1.4 hours.
>If it's the locking module, not the door position sensor, usually you can just take it apart, fix the broken wire that is usually there, clean it up, and reinstall it. I've done that on the 97 passat already, not a bad job actually, just fussy to get to and do right. (I had ot build a new door harness at the same time anyway, so it wasn't uphill BOTH ways....
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matt_Lisa [mailto:matt_lisa at sprynet.com]
>> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:11 AM
>> To: James Hansen; 'Greg Johnson'; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 2005 Passat TDI
>> Both of my door switches in the Golf are dead. The drivers side thinks
>> the door is always closed while the passenger side is intermittent and
>> thinks the door is always open. You have to slam the door pretty good
>> to get it to shut off. I've got some new switches I'm going to try to
>> retrofit in the Door Lock Modules in order to fix the problem. New
>> DLMs are anywhere from $130-160 online! The switches are $3 at
>> RadioShack and $9 at Allied, so I figured it was worth a shot.
>> -Matt
>> http://matt_lisa.home.sprynet.com/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> >From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
>> >Sent: Apr 17, 2009 1:14 AM
>> >To: 'Greg Johnson' <gregsj2 at gmail.com>, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> >Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 2005 Passat TDI
>> >
>> >In addition to what Matt said, be certain the door contact sensors are
>> >working. Both were replaced on my parent's 05, and one just died on
>> mine
>> >last week. The interior lights have to go on when you open the door,
>> or
>> >they are not working. You don't really notice that until night unless
>> >you're looking for it.
>> >
>> >-james
>> >
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