[Vwdiesel] Clutch problems

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 21:40:24 PDT 2009

Well, many of you were right that it was a clutch disc problem, but I don't
think anyone got it on the nose.

My main problem was one of the shock absorbing springs in the disc itself
broke into pieces and was in bouncing around between the disc and the
pressure plate. I also have a problem with a bent retaining ring for the
plate that the push rod seats up against. Does anyone know a part number or
name for that part? (The retaining ring - the plate itself is fine.) I'm
going to have to try to track down one of those. Other than that it looks
like a new clutch disc and I'll be good. The mating surfaces look almost
new. There are minor grooves, but they only barely even catch a fingernail,
so I don't plan to even bother with them.

Thanks everyone!

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