[Vwdiesel] [VW-TDI] Alignment Specifications for 96 Passat TDI

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Apr 25 06:27:21 PDT 2009

Several comments:

1. A track gauge, or even a piece of non-stretchy wire will help you
set tow-in.  I've used my 100 times in 30 years.  When I got it, it was
$25.  You might pay $80 now.

2. Magnetic attaching levels will help you set camber.  For years, I 
simply used a torpedo level, a set of shims, and a calculator to help
me work the numbers.  With the old Rabbits, it was easy.  I simply
set them to 0 deg camber.  

When I got my TDI in 2002, I found the front end not right (for me).  
Too much work to maintain the road.  I forget all the specifics, but there
was little to play with, and in the end they set the camber as close to 
zero as they could, with zero toe-in, and I was happiest there.  The caster
on the TDI is quite high, to make the car "responsive".  With lots of 
interstate and country road driving, in frequently windy conditions,
it is more tiring than a more stable configuration.
Perhaps the camber was non-adjusting.  I think the only ready tweak was
the toe-in.

On where to go for alignments...I generally go to a tire outfit that is
a local chain.  They have laser alignment equipment that anyone can 
use, and their techs are pretty good at not only getting the alignment
right, but letting me tell them were I want the wheel "zeroed", etc.

Also, some alignment specs compensate for road crown, and are asymetrical.
I tend to modify those to be symmetrical, because most of my miles are
pounding flatter interstate type roads.

The shops I've used on non-VW cars, let me "test drive" the alignment
right after they are done.  They will re-tweak anything I'm not happy
with.  All offer "six month" warranties.

In short, on Rabbits, I simply learn to do the whole alignment, and was
happy with the results.  On TDIs, other than delivery acceptance, I 
haven't needed an alignment (struts change out with out needing to 
realign).  On minivans, 4WD and other vehicles, I use the common local
tire outfit.  Costs about $80, and they let me tweak for what I want.

> Shouldn't the alignment specs be the same as the non-TDI?
> Here are a couple of interesting threads.  After reading them I've come to
> two conclusions... I don't know enough about alignments, and an alignment
> shop that really knows their stuff is hard to find.
> http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=106505
> http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=196737
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:19 AM, kartracer12001
> <John-Ferreira at comcast.net>wrote:
> > Does anyone have the alignment specifications for a 96 Passat TDI?
> > Sedan - not wagon.
> >
> > Since the day I bought the car, I have always had inner tire wear. One VW
> > place said there was a service bulletin that changed the spec because it was
> > incorrect. With only 1100 of these imported to the US the knowledge base
> > seems to be limited.
> >
> > VW set it one way. I brought it to a reputable alignment shop, that has the
> > latest equipment. The computer has a database - but it was hard to really
> > pick the right model. When they put it on the machine - they could not get
> > both the front and rear specs within 2 degrees. Ran out of adjustment -
> > which leaves me to believe the specs they have are incorrect.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > NH - John
> >
> >
> >
> >
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