[Vwdiesel] [VW-TDI] Alignment Specifications for 96 Passat TDI

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 25 10:46:23 PDT 2009

Well that's silly.  They all have rear brakes. 
You're SUPPOSED to shim the rear stub axle to get the rears aligned if you
have one out of spec. It's not like that's some heroic last ditch effort
that requires a special liability disclaimer, that's just what is done.
I'll PM the specs Val, it requires an attachment... too much typing

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
> On Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 8:55 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] [VW-TDI] Alignment Specifications for 96 Passat
> > >>Does anyone have the alignment specifications for a 96 Passat TDI?
> > >>Sedan - not wagon.
> > >>
> > >>Since the day I bought the car, I have always had inner tire wear.
> One
> > VW
> > >>place said there was a service bulletin that changed the spec
> because it
> > was
> > >>incorrect. With only 1100 of these imported to the US the knowledge
> base
> > >>seems to be limited.
> >
>   When I took my wagon in for a 4 wheel alignment, they told me
> that even though one rear wheel was out by a fair amount they
> couldn't adjust it.  Some notation not to shim the rears if they
> have disk brakes.  ????  I couldn't find any VW info pertaining to
> that so one of these days...  They're willing to set it if I say it's
> ok to proceed anyway.
>     Loren
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