[Vwdiesel] 2001 Golf GLOW PLUG CIRCUIT error (was Headlight Issue - cont'd)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Apr 26 19:50:27 PDT 2009

In a message dated 4/26/2009 2:33:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
sshourds at flash.net writes:

> That's a benefit of being in Texas.  There are emissions standards, 
> particularly in urban counties, but Diesels are exempt.  We just get the 
> safety inspection. 

  Nice thing about most of WA is no inspection.  :-)  I guess 
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and some surrounding areas get 
an emissions test.  Jake told me the diesel test is a simple 
idle and snap throttle opacity test.  Only safety type of inspection 
I've had was on rebuild or out of state cars I've trasfered.

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