No subject

Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009

rested on the valve, made a reference mark on the timing beltat some 
convenient reference point. Then turned engine back the other way until 
piston has again com to rest on the valve. Then made another mark. These 2 
marks are about 8" apart. Bisecting gives you the mid point.
What you have efectively done is measured the circumference of the crank 
timing belt sprocket, less the missing bit due to the valve. Circumference 
being Pi x D, thus approx 3 x 3 or 9" . The missing bit is actually bythis 
method roughly 9 -8 or 1". The 1 " actually would lie 1/2" beyond your two 
marks on the belt, and NOT the mid point of 4" from either mark towards the 
In other words it appears you had found BDC. This is most strange, because, 
if you had marked the only convenient sprockets , they would only rotate 180 
degrees for a complete cycle of the crank, and a little less because of the 
The only time the TDC mark would have almost appeared, would be at either 
end of the marked length of timing belt. So did you find it after resetting 
the cam merely by accident?

Does any one see what I'm getting at??? :o)

Very very strange.

I wouldn't worry about the compression figures until you have run the engine 
a while. It may be better than the readings sugggest. Especially if it does 
indeed start...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William J Toensing" <toensing at>
To: <vwdiesel at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:47 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

> The answer was 8 inches which was measured on the timing belt from stop to 
> stop. That was easier than trying to count each tooth on the flywheel. 
> When I moved the timing belt 4 inches, or half way between the 8 inches 
> movement measured on the timing belt, I got close to TDC & when I used the 
> wire in the number one injector to fine tune TDC, I then found out 
> luckily, I had not erased the TDC mark on the flywheel.I drilled a little 
> hole in the flywheel to mark the spot more easily the next time. After 
> finishing this, I will be going out to work on the Quantum as we are 
> finally having a sunny day.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA
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