No subject

Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009

Run synthetic oil. It can stand much higher temperatures before breaking =
down. 2) Let the engine idle a few minutes before turning it off. If you =
have a pyrometer, let it idle until the temperature drops, my guess =
below 200 degrees. Also, with a pyrometer, I think I would try to keep =
the temperature under 900 degrees. I always run Amsoil synthetic & have =
never had a bad turbo, so I don't know what maximum turbo life to =
expect. This includes two Peugeot turbodiesels (604 & 505) & two =
turbodiesel motorhomes.  Haven't run my Quantum TD enough to know. What =
are the signs of a bad turbo & would they make any particular noise. As =
to pyro temperatures, some of you might have better ideas as to maximum =
temperatures & how low you should let the temperature drop before engine =
shut down.

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