[Vwdiesel] brake fluid 91 Jetta

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Sat Aug 1 15:23:21 PDT 2009

Thanks all to the replies.  I got my rear brakes completely rebuilt.
Everything is new except the drums. I noticed that my shocks were wet so I
changed them out as well. The one was so bad that when you pulled up on the
rod it fell back down into the cylinder and hit with a thud. It was
completely shot. I'm surprised I didn't notice it when driving. I can say
that I went with Gabriel's this time since I wanted to get it done and
nobody had any of the KYB or Bilstiens in stock.  At least they are a gas
shock and it surprised me to see that the jetta now sits level. Where before
it would sag in the rear.

I went only changed out the front rubber brake hose because the Car Quest
only ordered one in. So I'll get the other one on Monday and change it out.
The front brakes look great.  The issue at hand that started all this was a
sinking pedal that turned out to be the master cylinder. Even though my rear
cylinders were leaking and soaked everything back there. 

Now to get that one hose and replace it and bleed it all again and I will be
good to go for a long time.

Thanks for all the help.  I did mess up a little and didn't remember what
way to put the master cylinder reservoir on, cap to the front or to the
rear.  I put it to the front but want to say it was suppose to go to the
rear because the electric connection that hooks to the cap pulled really
tight when I went to connect it. Does anyone think it will make a


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