[Vwdiesel] brake fluid 91 Jetta

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 4 15:11:36 PDT 2009

Yea, bleeding was a bit more of a chore. But, they did work great. I had a 
side go out on my 76 Fox back in High School, and the car hardley pulled at 
all. It also stopped much better than in my Mom's car when the front line 
went out!!!! That incident is why I still brake down a lot earlier than most 
people. The only time I ever take a chance is when I'm on the track. BTW, 
the Fox was front engined, front drive.

I also think especially with the ABS systems, they would be a great idea.

To answer another comment about the VW brake systems and their adjustable 
bias, that is possible with the dual diagonal as well. My Fox had that as 
well. The proportioner on the rear axle just has four ports instead of 


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] brake fluid 91 Jetta
> Ditto
> I think it was too different from other cars and to bleed them, you kind 
> of
> had to know what circuit went where.
> Once the cars weren't rear engine, the front-rear brake bias was too
> different maybe, and the safety advantage was lost as the front brake 
> pulled
> you too much one way?
> Dunno, they made sense at the time and with antilock systems,  would seem 
> an
> excellent idea.
> -james

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