[Vwdiesel] vw-golf-parts.com quality????

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 13 11:23:19 PDT 2009

Quality is hit and miss, unfortunately. Folks have had horrendous luck 
with the pumps, and turbochargers are an on-again-off-again shot in the 
dark: sometimes you get a good one, several in a row, then quality will 
fall through the floor.

Most of it is "knockoff" sourced rather than OEM suppliers, and there 
are the regular complaint threads over at VWdiesel.net.

Most of the small parts are decent fits.

When I bought the injection timing kit, the dial indicator was inches 
only, so I have to convert every time I use it. I was told beforehand 
that it was in millimeters, so... yes, I am a dissatisfied customer, but 
I'm not full of hatred.

I get all my diesel parts from another dieseler now, from the boards. 
www.thedubdoctor.com. Also used vwdieselparts.com. They're a bit more 
expensive, but the quality has always been excellent and they're both 
good about getting back to you with answers to questions.

The former donates portions of the sales amount to supporting the 
VWdiesel.net boards, and the latter runs a VW diesel forum as well, 
so... I like to support the community.


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