[Vwdiesel] Question

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Fri Dec 4 19:19:30 PST 2009

At 03:47 AM 12/4/2009 -0800, William JT wrote:

>In looking over some of my old un-read email I found a question from Walter
L Herold about whether he should keep or sell an '89 VW Jetta diesel.
Although he didn't say how much he had into his  '89 Jetta my guess is it
would be more than $4,000. 

2 years ago I bought an 89 jetta TD without A/C, but with a sunroof, for
$1,000 CDN. (we only get about 6 days of A/C weather a year here in the
great white north)

Body and engine were good, and it has that great long-legged 4S tranny. The
seller provided the required safety certificate, which was clearly
fudged/forged, as a parking brake cable was broken, some lights out, other
small issues. 

I gladly snapped it up regardless because he was a guy I had worked with for
many years. The body was good, paint new, and interior immaculate.  The rest
I could fix. I am the 3rd owner, the first was the usual little old lady, etc..

It has become my daily driver, replacing my beloved goldie (nearly 20 years
and 550,000km with me) who has gone to her final rusting place.

I was looking for an 89 to avoid the goofy big boxy bumpers. I like ground
The TD and sunroof were bonus.

Goldie's engine &  tranny sits in my garage awaiting transplant in to my
son's 91.

Typically, an 89 in Canada would have enough rust on the go to only be worth
$300-$500 (if it could be certified). This one is good enough to warrant
full extreme rust prevention measures. I have not winter-driven it yet.
Perhaps this winter, but I dont commute any more, and can afford to stay
home if the weather is sloppy. I have not driven it in winter since I bought it.

I hope to be able to keep it going until I'm 80. (or more!)


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