[Vwdiesel] FW: was Re: Archive Search - How old is everyone? Can you admit it?

Matt matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Sat Dec 5 07:03:49 PST 2009

36 here!  We bought my Rabbit when I was 7 years old.  My father had a carbed '78 that he liked, but he used to whine how he wanted a diesel.  in '81, we purchased the car that I still have.  It still starts and runs, but looks fairly worn out.  Right now, it's in storage, as I've moved to a different state.  I probably won't even see it for a couple years.  I'd really like to do a proper restoration on it at some point.


On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:10 AM, mikitka wrote:

> I turn 45 this month.
> Nick
> How old is everyone? Can you admit it?
>> I'll start - I am 52 but we all know that 50 is the new 40 right?   
>> Hayden
>  I'm 45 and I can say I don't feel much over mid to late 20's and 
> even got accused of being that age by a pair of very active 80 year
> olds, more or less, just the other day.
>    Loren
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