[Vwdiesel] Starter problems-vw rabbit diesel pickup

mark shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Dec 9 05:08:57 PST 2009

"So am wondering ... could this rebuilt starter be for a gas rather than 
diesel? Does it make a difference? Dummie me never considered this. To me, 
starter is starter."

On the Quantum at least, the diesel starter is big enough to have given 
birth to the gasser equivalent...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "doonboggle" <doonboggle at yahoo.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:13 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Starter problems-vw rabbit diesel pickup

Recently joined after puirchasing a 1981 rabbit diesel pickup with 1.6L 
engine. I am no longer 'my mechanic' due to having some disks in my spine 
bolted-screwed together a few years ago, and not as nimble as I used to be.

So took it to a local 'vw expert', who turned out to not be so expert ... 
when it comes to diesels ... only air cooled it seems.

One of the things he advised right away was that the starter (apparently 
original) was 'shot'. So I went looking, and found a fellow who said he had 
one for that year that he bought a few years ago, had never used, and that 
it was "rebuilt". So bought it.

Took to the expert, and today, after doing a valve job, and supposedly 
retiming the injector pump (my command), he called and said the rebuilt one 
was 'shot' also. He took me to the truck on his floor, and turned the key. 
Immediately it started, which seemed to surprise him. So he turned it off, 
and sure enough, it took about 3-4-5 more key 'on' before it engaged ... 
with just a clunk in the background.

So am wondering ... could this rebuilt starter be for a gas rather than 
diesel? Does it make a difference? Dummie me never considered this. To me, 
starter is starter.

If no difference, what could it possibly be? I have no reason to disbelieve 
the fellow who sold it to me, and it did in fact come in the original 
shipping box that indicated rebuilt.

Oh, by the way, the battery is new. Only odd thing is that last night, the 
temperature got down to 10 degrees below in our little podunk town, but when 
I was there for his exibition, it was mid day, and the interior was not that 

Open for suggestions.

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