[Vwdiesel] 'Snubbable TDI"

doonboggle doonboggle at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 11 10:06:14 PST 2009

Chris:  I also have a TDI, 06 version with automatic.  In many postings to TDIClub, your comment is often raised.  From what I gather, from posters there more knowledgable than I, this is inherent to the PD (I think that's it??) tranny and the diesel engine.  There are some fellows who adjust things using their VAG, but generally others just seem to 'live with it' ... as I do ... even though I have the VAG.  I just don't jump out in front of an oncoming car who appears to be 'well down the road' ... as I did in my younger and wild days.  My delay seems to be about the one (1) second pause so that all the inner gut "thingies" can 'kick in'.
Chuck Timmerman
Citizen: W.S.A.


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