[Vwdiesel] Tranny issue
travis gottschalk
tgott at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 11 13:00:59 PST 2009
I haven't heard my father complain about the auto in the VW. He had an 06 and an 09 both diesels (still with the 09). They shift much better then a chevy auto as those can have a delay between gears. There was a recall that I hear about on the 09's for a tranny temp sensor that was messing with the shifting. Don't know if they went through with it but it was talked about on the tdiclub. As I don't own an 09 I didn't receive a notice but I don't think my father did either. As with the PD engined cars mated with a manual. When I first had my 04 golf it was VERY easy to stall at idle and letting the clutch out. I would just give it a few more RPM's to help and so would any one that used the car (including other experienced manual diesel drivers). Once they did the glow plug recall it changed something (verified by others on tdiclub) that it no longer is easy to kill taking off at idle. I don't have to give more RPM's to take of unless I am on a hill or really loaded now. The recall did go good for me. I am glade because with the recent -20 snap we had this week my wife needed them. Didn't say it started the best but it did start the third try (she let off the starter to soon-advised her to stay on the starter till clearly running but not longer than a 30 second burst to not overheat the starter).
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