[Vwdiesel] MK1 - N/A - can it handle a turbo?

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 12 11:24:46 PST 2009

I have purchased parts from said site before. I even, at one point in 
the past eighteen months, bought a turbo. /Big Mistake./

When it arrived, it was already out of spec for axial play in the shaft, 
and the turbine end wobbled if I put my finger on it and nudged it 
about. I sent it back, wrangled a bit for a refund rather than a 
replacement, and put my money into buying a "core" turbo and sending it 
off to a rebuilder.

Quality control on that site seems to be hit-and-miss. If you get good 
parts, they're good. You can get very junk parts, that's bad. Sometimes 
he'll work with you for your junk parts. My experience has been that 
he's hesitant to admit that the parts aren't up to spec.


If you're looking for a turbo to rebuild, I can sell you  a core K24 
that I pulled from a Quantum TD. The bearings still feel fairly solid, 
but it was exposed to water and should probably be rebuilt. I can also 
direct you to the rebuilder that did mine and did an excellent job for a 
very good price.

It's a K24 turbo, which was fairly common and the proper manifolds 
should be easy to find.


brian gochnauer wrote:
> FACT, I PERSONALLY have bought hundreds of dollars of parts, for several
> Jetta's FROM THAT SITE, and none have 'self-destructed'.
> So I'm speaking from personal experience not repeating some forum bigots
> with questionable mechanical aptitude. Enough?
> I will not respond again on the subject, so you can have the last word, if
> you'd like.
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Andrew .Libby <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have bought plenty of items made in China and been happy with them.  I
>> have nothing personally against China (aside from incorporating slave labor
>> and aggressively conquering peace loving countries like Tibet, etc.)  and
>> nothing against parts being made in China.  The fact still remains that
>> China as a manufacturing entity does not care about quality and leaves it up
>> to the purchasing entity.  If the purchasing entity does not enforce strict
>> quality control from the Chinese manufacturing, then the items produced will
>> be very low quality.  If you have not experienced low quality items from
>> China then you are not on planet Earth.  Because quality control is up to
>> the purchaser, if the purchaser is a no-name knock-off seller, then they
>> tend to not care what the quality of the product is as they have no
>> reputation associated with their name to take care of.  Perhaps I should
>> have highlighted that there have been many horror stories specifically with
>> regard to THE PARTS FROM THAT SITE.  There are folks who have had
>> specifically turbos FROM THAT SITE self-destruct and gotten no recompense
>> from the seller.  Enough??  Do a little research before assuming I'm a pea
>> brained hater of the Chinese...
>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 7:42 AM, brian gochnauer <brian at gochnauer.net>wrote:
>>> Yeah I knew somebody would come back with that comment.
>>> Did you know that Cessna's new airplane the 162 Light sport aircraft is
>>> made
>>> in China and shipped here for final assembly?
>>> A lot of american auto companies have their parts made in China you just
>>> don't know it.
>>> China has come a long way very quickly.
>>> Trivia: They have most of the world's rare metals used in today's
>>> batteries,
>>> soon they will be producing batteries and electric cars for the US market.
>>> Warren Buffet just last year bought 10% of BYD in China.
>>> Warren thinks BYD has a shot at becoming the world's largest automaker,
>>> primarily by selling electric cars.
>>> So while you're holding onto old beliefs they'll still be making millions,
>>> and your money will be part of it :-0
>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Andrew .Libby <libbybapa at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> That site is Chinese knock-off parts.  Lots of horror stories on various
>>>> sites.  Caveat emptor.
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:34 PM, brian gochnauer <brian at gochnauer.net
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Huh? shows pics in my browser :-P
>>>>> "Turbo Conversion Package for the 1.6 NA Engine. This conversion is
>>> based
>>>>> on
>>>>> TDI parts. Included is the TDI manifolds, turbo and short downpipe"
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:15 PM, <lbaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>> In a message dated 12/11/2009 7:49:49 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>>>>>> brian at gochnauer.net writes:
>>>>>>> Would 1.6L stuff bolt on?
>>>>>>> http://www.dieselvw.com/16TurboConversion.htm
>>>>>>  On to what?  That site doesn't show the pics when you go to
>>>>>> the specific item. :-P  The application SAYS it'll fit 1.5 and 1.6
>>>>>> and I think this was about a 1.6...
>>>>>>     Loren
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