[Vwdiesel] Old rubber

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 11:57:37 PST 2009

>   Rats, two or three years ago a friend moved and took 3 of them to
> the yard.  I got a few parts but no seals.  I wonder if you can get
> the hatch seal stuff, like door seal type of rubber, from JC Whitney
> or such?
>  Where do you find window scraper/beltline weatherstrip in bulk?  I
> think most of us with A1's could use them or need them!
>    Loren
> Seconded!! My A1 Jetta needs all those, but I could only find complete seal
packages for insane prices. (I'm not gonna sink $1,000 into seals!) I just
gave up on it and figured I'll drive it as long as I could, knowing that it
might rust out faster from the water getting in. If I could get some in bulk
for cheap then it would be worth it to replace them and then take care of
the windshield, and I'd be a much happier camper!!


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