[Vwdiesel] Looking for a 1.6NA air box to buy

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 17 14:28:47 PST 2009

Hi, my 1.9na in the van is using my original 1.6na air box for filter.  It has an odd shaped rubber connector that is on the top of the air filter.
A 1.6na air box top has a round connector, 3 inch hose maybe.
I am looking for one of these.
my 1.6na from the vanagon has an oval shaped air hole for a rubber boot to attach to a water seperator air box coming down from the air intake snorkal.
this boot is totally falling apart and the are NLA.
so, if I swap to a 1.6na intake box (top) I will have a round hole and can use almost any intake boot hose.

thanks in advance.
let me know if have one.
This is a link to vagcat showing the air box from a 1991 Jetta 1.6na

 Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :)
92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel -- running :)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :}
70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Not running :( 

From: "decker at toledotel.com" <decker at toledotel.com>
To: Joe <joe at haasenpfeffer.com>; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Thu, December 17, 2009 5:01:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Jet A

Hi Joe;
    It doesn't seem like it to me. I have probably 50,000 plus on the Dasher
since USLD but remember most all 1.5 and 1.6 engines are going to have old
pumps on them which are bound to leak sooner or later. I have been playing
with Rabbits for close to 20 years and if you resurrect a diesel that has
set for many years the pump may want to leak.
Brian Decker
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe" <joe at haasenpfeffer.com>
To: <decker at toledotel.com>; <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Jet A

> Hmm... Would a N/A 1.6 also be more prone to oil leaks due to ULSD?
> Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of decker at toledotel.com
> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 4:36 PM
> To: Justin Bennett; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Jet A
> Hi Justin;
>    I don't know anything about TDI.s but I know that our N/A 1.5 and 1.6
> motors don't run with as much power on the new ultra low sulfur diesel. I
> don't recommend it because it would be embarrassing if you get caught but
> about 3 years ago I ran across some home heating oil. A friend ran it in
> Dasher with it's N/A 1.6 and it ran smother with more power. I don't think
> it changed the mileage much. This USLD is crap for power. I'm going to get
> my turbo setup on my 1981 Dasher 1.6 soon.
> Brian Decker
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Justin Bennett" <lug1970 at yahoo.com>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 9:47 PM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Jet A
> Going to pass on some info concerning Jet A in TDIs. Have ran about 25
> gallons mixed in various ratios thru my 98 Jetta. Two things I noticed was
> that there was a noticeable decrease in fuel economy and a change in the
> it started. It wasn't as rattly on start and didn't seem to start as
> quickly. Since I was fueling out of 5 gallon jugs I do not have a hard
> number on what the decrease was. It was like running super winter blend
> fuel. Here is the specific gravity numbers from the back of the Biobore JF
> jug.
> JP4 6.363 lbs/gal
> Jet A 6.714lbs/gal
> #1 D 6.827lbs/gal
> #2 D 7.060lbs/gal
> On certain turbine engines there is an adjustment for specific gravity so
> you were running a different weight of fuel you could change fuel
> to make it run better. Wonder if there is a way to do that on the TDI
> engines.
> Justin
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