[Vwdiesel] Anyone try this? (To have a warm, toasty car)

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Sat Dec 19 11:15:13 PST 2009

I must have a special diesel in my 91 jetta because it heats up fast and
pumps out the heat and quickly.  I do remember in our 79 rabbit diesel it
didn't heat up much but that was in Pa. with the temps below zero.


I wished I had a nice toasty warm car.  But at these temperatures my 98
Jetta shows its VW parentage.  Even with the radiator blocked off I cannot
run the heater more then 1/4 above full cold or the engine will not get up
to operating temp.  So I dress warm and run the defrost on cold.  The bonus
is that when I park any new snow doesn't melt and then refreeze. So no
scraping a lot of mornings.  No it isn't the thermostat.  Two new German
thermostats and no change.  

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