[Vwdiesel] More Quantum questions? progress

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Feb 1 17:23:15 PST 2009

In a message dated 2/1/2009 5:09:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk writes:

> Runaway from the pump is more common now that people have been turning up 
> the max fuel too far, by removing protective sleeve. Granted only not 
> turnoff-able if solenoid fails open, or revs go so high that the pressure 
> drop across airfilter gets significant enough to suck everything out of the 
> rocker cover....

  Never heard of that happening.  Probably because I've never heard 
of a fuel shutoff solenoid failing to close when power is shut off.  If 
it closes it doesn't matter how far the fuel screw's been turned, the 
fuel WILL stop.  Kinda like opening your faucet all the way but the 
city turns off the water at the meter.  Nothing's gonna flow!
  Turn that screw up too far on a TD and you'll likely "hole" a piston.

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