[Vwdiesel] Engine eating pulley
Erik Lane
eriklane at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 10:19:15 PST 2009
Which engine do you have? If it's the earlier 1.6D then I have some
experience with the *exact* same issue!
I would take a look at the two step bushing/washer thing that goes
between the bolt and that pulley. It has a kind of locking teeth on
the backside of it that seem to get worn down. (At least mine was.)
I've also put loctite on both the threads of the bolt and on the
crankshaft nose/inside of the pulley. Once you've torqued it down and
have the addition of the loctite holding it hopefully it would hold.
One time I even welded the bolt to the washer and to the pulley and
then installed the whole thing as one piece without using the keyway
at all because mine was worn away. I also put loctite all over that
thing just hoping that I could keep from having to rebuild the engine
as it was still in great shape otherwise. It ran great that way until
I eventually sold it, and the only thing I risked (other than it
coming loose again, which was already the problem) was having to go
buy a new washer/bolt and pulley. You have to be careful and get the
bolt and washer dead center or they'll never go back together, of
course. I installed everything on the engine and then tack welded it
together before removing it and doing a more complete job. It wasn't
pretty, but it did work.
Good luck!
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Iain Hunter <sagspottery at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello.
> Every since renewing the injection pump, my van had been on and off the road (more off than on!).
> When I fitted the pump, I also renewed the cam-belt and tensioner, but accidentally removed the crank-shaft end pulley for the cam-belt during the fitting, instead of just the pulley for the water pump. Anyway, I re-fitted everything and timed her up and everything was OK for a while. Weeks later I had trouble starting her up in the mornings again, and on inspection found that the timing was slightly out. The said pulley had worked loose and the key-way had been ground smooth.
> The end of the crankshaft looked OK, (had a lost maybe 0.2mm from the facing surface, but the key was fine) so I ordered a replacement from VW, fitted it, making sure that I seated it the best I could and tightened it up using thread lock and plenty of grunt.
> A week later, and the ****ing thing has worked loose again, wrecking the new pulley in the process. This time, the end of the crankshaft, has more shiny metal, although the key still looks OK. A friend of mine has suggested we get a new pulley and this time use his compressed air gun to tighten it. Would this work, or am I looking at something much worse?
> Someone else suggested that I could have another key cut in the end of the crankshaft 180 degrees to the original. I take it this would mean engine and crankshaft out and down the machine shop and a big financial outlay (One that I cannot afford in this climate, and having already forked out mega£££ for a recon pump).
> Please help.
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Iain.
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