[Vwdiesel] 7-7-7

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun Feb 22 17:15:25 PST 2009

Dave Cook wrote:
> http://www.topgear.com/us/features/more/we-build-a-70-mpg-car/
> Dave Cook
> _______________________________________________
It's a good thing I read that article.  I didn't know that my TDI did 
0-60 in a week, bored me to death before I had the chance to fill the 
first tank, was styled like a lump of cold mashed potatoes, and handled 
like a couch. 

To think that all this time, I'd blown off auto writers as out-of-touch. 

Then what do they pick to use as a project car, a VW Diesel. 

-Shalyn the disgruntled

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