[Vwdiesel] Block heater location observations.

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Jan 15 18:45:00 PST 2009

I've not seen a thread for placement of block heaters other than the 
stock location on the back of the block in the freeze plug. Well my 
jetta has a broken ground on the stock freeze plug block heater. I went 
and bought a block heater that goes into the lower radiator hose. The 
book called for the 1" model. Well I got to looking at the lower 
radiator hose and it's a bit bigger than 1", even at the narrow 
section. I did however notice that the bypass line { I think that's 
what it is} that runs from the head  outlet to the water pump is in 
fact 1" Now I can't find a reference as to the purpose of this hose, 
but it would appear it's a bypass line to circulate warm water back 
through the block. Things like that tend to keep head temperatures more 
stable and would allow for a decent thermo-siphon effect { if that's 
what it is.}

  Regardless, I installed the block heater and plugged it in last night 
and it seems to work extremely well. I had a melted spot of snow on the 
hood this morning. Only having the stock block heater on the golf for 
comparison, this method of placement seem much more effective. At only 
400 watts, the head seemed warmer to touch that with the stock 

At $26 shipped from amazon.com and ease of install, I would recommend 
this to anyone needing to replace a bad freeze plug heater that doesn't 
work any longer. It is the following heater  "Kat's heater " Model # 
14400  As a plus, I observed it awhile and it has an internal 
thermostat of sorts as it cycles on and off, I imagine with the 
temperature at the device.

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