[Vwdiesel] head gasket - turbo oil return line frustration

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Sat Jan 17 18:12:18 PST 2009

grrr..  I found
 the fitting on the oil pan, but it looks like I'll have to drop the oil
pan to get a wrench in there.


> So, I'm not at home with the ol' ETKA diagrams, anyone know this info
> off the top of their head?
> 94 Jetta body with 85?? 1.6TD engine.
> I've got the head almost released, though with the turbo and manifolds
> on.
> Cam sprocket off, timing tensioner off, only one stripped allen bolt
> connecting the head to the rear metal timing cover..  grrrr.
> All hoses, electrical off.  Exhaust clips off.
> The oil return line to the turbo is stumping me.  I've got the supply
> line from the oil filter off, it's the one behind the head that I didn't
> see that's annoying.
> So, I haven't dived into all the oily glory up around the oil pan yet. 
> I assume there's a fitting somewhere?
> Is there a better way?
> Thanks,
> Will in Alaska.

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