[Vwdiesel] Timing belt tension

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 19 12:56:53 PST 2009

What I was told when I got started in the VW diesel was to tension the belt so you can twist it between the cam and pump pulleys by about a 45 degree angle one way or the other. Much looser and the belt can loosen and skip teeth and much tighter and you can shred your belt. Keep in mind that the belt will stretch some if new so it is best to recheck the belt after a few days (in which case I leave the top cover off for a bit and tie up the hoses out of the way). I always just replace the tensioner pulley as I don't know how old the previous one is. Better to change to much then to little and have a blown engine. 
With the head gasket has anyone tried the 

VW® says that gasket sealer is unnecessary. They also say that diesel head gaskets don't leak. We recommend a special Universal Jointing compound, particularly on diesels. It is made under license from Rolls Royce. (Use very thin) 
Tube for 1 head (25 grams) 
#SN1175 . . .$9.95
NEW! Now available in aerosol form (5 oz. can)
#SN18945 . . .$17.95
I have put it on my head gaskets and haven't had any problem with it yet. I haven't driven more then 15K on any thing yet but I think this would help along with preping it. 
Travis G
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