[Vwdiesel] "W" alternator

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Sat Jan 31 16:34:40 PST 2009

At 06:43 PM 31/01/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>my friend says i need the "W" alternator to get a tach in my rabbit, where
do i find one?

Up here in the frozen north, a FLAPS chain named Canadian Tire has standard
"rebuilt in the USA", 65 amp bosch alternators, complete with pulley and
regulator,  with "dubya" terminal, for non-A/C cars, for the princely sum of
$70CDN (not including refundable core charge)

I got one for goldie, and was so impressed, I ordered another for inventory.

I sensed, because they had to order it in, this unit might be getting rare,
and I want to have enough to last the lives of my remaining A2's.

I have noticed they are no longer readily available used from our junk
yards, and where available, cost as much as the clean, new bearinged rebuilt.


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