[Vwdiesel] AC in 91 Jetta service question

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Thu Jun 4 18:38:49 PDT 2009

I had the AC system converted to 134a.  Every year since I had it serviced
it would last through out the summer months but by the following year it
would not cool even though the compressor would still run. I would take it
in and they would service it with 134a and that would be it. Another summer
of great cooling and another $40 out of my pocket. They have done this for
the past three years and each time they look for the leak but can't find it.
( I personally think that it is under the dash and they just don't want to
bother with it since it is a pain to get too) anyway I was wondering if I
could service it with Freon myself. If so how and with what recommendations
from a parts store to get and where do I connect it too?  Or should I just
pay another $40 and have an AC shop do it each year.





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