[Vwdiesel] AC with propane
Scott Alexander
salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu
Fri Jun 5 16:33:58 PDT 2009
George Goble of Purdue used to run propane in his AC before he came up
with his own refrigerants. I believe his website used to claim that
he figured that propane was less flammable than gasoline, so he didn't
mind having a bit in the engine compartment. Of course, the
seriousness of a failure of an AC line or a gasoline line during an
accident depends on how high the pressure is in that line and how well
the break does at atomizing the fuel in the direction of an ignition
That said, I think I'll continue working on my R134a conversion rather
than filling up with propane.
On Jun 5, 2009, at 6:52 PM, Dave Cook wrote:
> Yeah, I believe you are right, that the propane-based gasses are
> typically used as R-12 substitutes. You'd use it if you didn't want
> to convert the system over to R-134a. I'm not sure I'd be excited
> about filling my system with propane, though I did have both my '92
> MY cars topped off last summer and I don't really know what was put
> in there, just that the guy said it was a good substitute and
> actually cooled a tad better.
> Dave Cook
> --- On Fri, 6/5/09, Tad <tadc at europa.com> wrote:
>> From: Tad <tadc at europa.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] AC with propane
>> To: "travis gottschalk" <tgott at hotmail.com>
>> Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:46 PM
>> And funny you should mention shooting
>> at them.... when I was young and
>> stupid, we decided to use a small propane bottle (not
>> empty) for target
>> practice with a .22 rifle. I managed to score a hit
>> near the valve-end,
>> toward the edge of the tank. It didn't ignite at all,
>> but did put on quite
>> a show as the bottle spun around quickly, more or less in
>> place. When it
>> was done everything for several feet around was covered
>> with ice!
>> I agree though, 134a is cheap enough that I don't see why
>> you would go with
>> propane. Come to think of it, the original idea may
>> have been to use it in
>> place for R22 or whatever the worth-it's-weight-in-gold
>> stuff is called.
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 2:33 PM, travis gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Funny you should say that about propane as we were
>> dicussing how to disposs
>>> of the used bottles here at the mine. It was
>> determined with some stories
>>> that even an empty hand held one if shot at will go
>> ski high. Also when they
>>> updated the nozzles on the larger bottles (grill
>> sized) and no one would
>>> take the old bottles that a few went in with some
>> scrap iron in a car. the
>>> car went to the crusher and the crusher weight almost
>> flow out the top of
>>> its glides. I don't know if I would want to have a
>> front end crash with this
>>> stuff if that is the case then. But to each there own.
>> I don't think it
>>> would save you that much money to try using it.
>>> Travis G
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