[Vwdiesel] AC with propane

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Jun 6 09:02:16 PDT 2009

In a message dated 6/5/2009 8:56:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
toensing at wildblue.net writes:

> started phase out R-12 freon because the experts said it was causing a 
> growing hole in the ozone over Antarctica &Australia

  Anybody notice since the new "religion" became "global warming" 
which is now being renamed "climate change" due to the lack of 
warming temps for several years now, that there's been NO mention 
of the "ozone hole"??  Of course nobody seems to remember that 
about 15 years ago we had to stop using CFC produced styrofoam 
and aerosol cans because it was causing global cooling!
  Ozone (O3)is unstable and self destructs. It's created when high 
energy particles (sunlight) strike the atmosphere.  The "hole" was 
always in panic size every antarctic Spring, which just happens to 
be after several months of very little sunshine... coincidence I guess.

  I talked to an engineer (not sure in which field) several years ago 
about propane refrigerant.  The characteristics are very close to 
R-12 for temps and pressures.  As for fire hazard, most people are 
running around with a dozen or more gallons of gasoline and think 
nothing of it but freak out at the thought of a pound of propane 
in the A/C!  There's NO air in the system unlike a gas tank.  This 
guy said the Stoichiometric requirements of propane are MUCH more 
narrow than with gas.  As he put it, if you do spring a leak, the odds 
are much more in your favor it'll just leak out.  Too fast and it'll 
be too rich to burn, leak too slow and it'll be too lean.  Just right 
and you'll have a short term blow torch but those odds are really 
small.  Much better odds your fuel line will already be burning.  Get 
a leak inside and you'll know it unlike with R-12.

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