[Vwdiesel] AAZ Head and Crank

Del Vezeau vezco at cogeco.ca
Wed Mar 18 16:20:50 PDT 2009

 Never noticed any problem with the balancer but I'll look..
I recall seeing a few years ago, a post about a possible solution to the
keyway problem with the AAZ crank that had something to do a tension pulley
and/or a TDI alternator that would fit the AAZ alternator bracket. I think
the thrust of the idea had something to do with relieving serpintine belt
torque between shifts?
Is this ringing any bells?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Hansen [mailto:jhsg at sasktel.net] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:37 PM
> To: vezco at cogeco.ca; Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] AAZ Head and Crank
> It'll be way cheaper to just have the crank machined if the 
> crank is still good on the front end.
> That's far from rocket science, well within the capabilities 
> of your average machine shop.
> That, and build a lighter castle or be prepared to haul lots 
> of fill...
> When you get back at it, have a really good look at your 
> balancer.  Is there any rubber protruding from between the 
> halves, or does it look flat across the face, like new?  I 
> wonder if the balancer was failing causing the torsional 
> vibration that kills the keys.
> -james
> If get a new head...
> Can I get a new TDI crank as well as the matching pulley and 
> take it from there? Or will I have to actually have the AAZ 
> crank machined to suit the tdi pulley?

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