[Vwdiesel] Trying to get the old diesel to start

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 22:22:49 PDT 2009

That wasn't me talking about the ATF. Though I used to use it every
once in a while because I had heard that it was a good thing. Then I
learned that it wasn't all that so now when I want a cleaner I use a
good diesel one. Usually Stanadyne, but sometimes I can't find it and
am desperate. I've never had a seal go that I could attribute to ATF,
but I used it so infrequently that I'm not sure that really shows

I like the sound of putting air pressure in the tank, thanks! There's
a jetta I'm just reviving that's been sitting for a year, so I'll be
trying that in the next couple weeks!


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:46 PM, James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:
> Really?
> Gee, I can't have been paying attention then...  I'm sure the last time I
> had one out, it came as a unit, and that was some time ago... hmmm...  Maybe
> it was goooed up inside and kept the plunger stuck in, but it still worked
> and all....
> As to the vane pump, when I have to get a VE pump up and running after a
> long hiatus, I'll take it to my buddys over at the Bosch shop, and get them
> to spin it on the test bench.  EVERY time I've done this, the case pressure
> has started off at zero, and hung there for a long time until the vanes get
> loosened up.  That speaks to The ATF working for you Eric- the higher
> viscosity would encourage the pump to start to do so I suspect.  BUT, long
> term stay away from ATF as an additive, it's a seal sweller, and when it
> isn't present, the seal then shrinks and leaks.  Also cokes injectors.
> There's more cleaning goodies in a teaspoon of stanadyne than a can of ATF
> anyway.  You'd get the same effect out of a 10W low ash diesel motor oil I
> suspect.
> My usual revival method is to air hose pressurize the tank, with the capped
> return line off the pump. When the pump is full, it's all full, filter and
> all. I use a 10lb reg on the air hose even, but with reasonable care, it
> isn't necessary.
> -james
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of Erik Lane
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:52 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Trying to get the old diesel to start
> Same story here, I've never seen one of these stop solenoids NOT have
> the plunger just fall out, and they all seem to just keep working and
> working. In fact I've yet to ever have to replace one of them, knock
> on wood! :)
> I think Loren's right on with the idea of getting diesel back into it
> to run on. It might have been good for it to get strong additive to
> clean out the internals of the pump, I really don't know, but I
> wouldn't expect it to really run well on pure additive. It's not made
> for that, but to add to fuel and adjust its properties. If at all
> possible towing the car with it in gear will turn it over much faster
> than a starter motor and will reduce wear one the starter. It's my
> normal procedure when reviving a diesel that's been sitting.
> Erik
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:06 PM,  <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
>>  I pulled the stop solenoid out of the pickup the other week and
>> there was no attachment.  It works fine and has for years.  I had
>> to pick the plunger out of the hole even.
>>  Part of the problem is you filled the pump with fuel additive rather
>> than fuel.  The car's not supposed to run on straight additive so
>> it's unlikley it'll start and run well until you get that stuff run
> through
>> especially if you filled the filter with it as well.
>>  Your lift pump probably isn't pumping.  Vanes are likely gummed if
>> the pump's been sitting very long.  You very well may be able to
>> fill the pump with FUEL and with some cranking get it fired up and
>> running.  Aim for half throttle and keep cranking the starter a little
>> longer when it does start firing.  Often an extra couple seconds of
>> starter power will get you over the hump of almost starting, to
>> starting.  :-)
>>  Hopefully once you get some speed into things, the vanes will start
>> pumping fuel and it'll all self prime and be happy.  If it starts dying,
>> shut if off, refill the pump and go again before you empty things out
>> and have to crank a prime back into things.  You could also do the
>> hose in a can above the pump trick to get a gravity feed going.  Put
>> the return line into the can as well and it won't go empty so fast.
>>    Loren
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