[Vwdiesel] new '86 Jetta

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Mar 19 04:08:22 PDT 2009

nothing much different in the '86, the ip is a pain to remove but not 
impossible, other than that it's pretty much like any other na, They do 
have the fast glow plugs though so be mindful when you buy the 
replacements. I need to do the glow plugs on my '85 jetta, damn thing 
doesn't like to start now.
On Mar 19, 2009, at 4:47 AM, William J Toensing wrote:

> Found a "new"  '86 Jetta diesel for around $150. The asking price was 
> $500 but the seller, a graduate student, just didn't want to bother 
> with it & it is not worth fixing if you are going to pay $100 an hour 
> for some mechanic to fix it. So, I am going to buy it despite the 
> wife's objections. Was told it needs a new timming belt, the 
> replacement of which, I have mastered on other VW diesels. Also told 
> it needs one new glow plug so will probably replace all 4, or is this 
> wasting money? Also the car starts but only runs for one or 2 seconds, 
> then dies. Something strange. I heard an electric fuel pump when the 
> ignition was turned on. None of my diesels have an aftermarket fuel 
> pump to assist in moving fuel to the IP. Was told this is sometimes 
> added to  help a weak IP. Anything else I should know about an '86 
> non-turbo Jetta as compared to my Quantum, Dasher, & Rabbit diesels? I 
> also noted the gear shift appears loose & can be pulled up & down, not 
> like my other VW diesels.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA
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