[Vwdiesel] Trying......IV drip

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Mar 19 08:53:34 PDT 2009

Time to post this again.

The only sure fire way to do and end run around a bunch of simultaneous
problems, also know as "sitting too long in the weeds" syndrome, is to
bypass all of the vague problems until the engine is actually running.

The "IV drip" or, for those old enough to remember old Burt Reynolds movies,
the "hose-bag" method.

A container, perhaps one gallon, hung from the hood above the engine with a
SECURE fastener, filled with ONLY diesel.  A supply line to the filter
inlet, start a syphon,, or if you are a klutz like me, install a fitting
near the bottom of the container for the supply line, 

2..... install a return line from the pump outlet, back in to the jug.  

Start engine....it will run.

If you just want a short run, leave the return line back to the tank, but
realize that the pump will empty your jug in about five minutes, back to the
fuel tank..

This method eliminates ALL the imponderables, including the lift pump , and
saves days of useless futzing around.

It's like Indy dealing with the Ninja in the black pajamas in the bazzar.

I have driven a car fueled by the 1 gal jug under the hood for many miles on
a recovery mission


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