[Vwdiesel] Glow Plugs, relays, & ATF fluid

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Mar 21 05:12:47 PDT 2009

I may disaggree with some of the theorys touted by the local AAMCO 
shop, but I have had him rebuild four automatic transmissions.
One, on a Caravan, failed 364 days after his rebuild.  He didn't think
the torque converter needed replacement, so he didn't replace it.
He didn't charge me for it.  364 days later, it failed.  He rebuilt
the entire transmission again, absolutely no charge, and absolutely
no argument.

Automatic transmissions require some tooling, and I'm just not setup to
do them.  When I was a kid, I did one, though.

In any event, the local AAMCO shop has done just fine by me.  

> I am glad Loren knows of no dishonest mechanics in his area. I live in a small town & do not know of any dishonest mechanics except for a radiator shop I had a bad experience with, re-coring a radiator for my Model A Ford. I also agree with Loren that a few bad apples can tarnish the reputation of the 98% of mechanics who are competent & honest. Based on my second hand experience with AAMCO back in Minn. , I am leery of all nationally franchised auto repair chains & agree,  the media will often blow such incidents out of proportion. It is interesting to note that there are no nationally franchised auto repair chains such as AAMCO or Midas Muffler in the Grass Valley/Nevada City area although they do exist in Sacramento. If some of you have had good experiences with these national auto repair chains, speak up. I want to be fair. But what happened in Minn. is a matter of record if anyone wants to research it.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA
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