[Vwdiesel] OC 249 or OC 51 oil filter?

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Wed Mar 25 16:53:58 PDT 2009

I use the OC 51 Mahle on my 91 Jetta. As well as an EaO39 AMSOIL filter.  I
have gotten better oil analysis results with the EaO39. It does a better job
keeping the soot levels in check. For some reason my little 1.6 is a soot
monster. :(


Subject: [Vwdiesel] OC 249 or OC 51 oil filter?

I have two oil filters in front of me. They look the same, weight the
same... but have different numbers. Both are said to be for an AAZ/1z/AHU. 

OC 249 and OC 51 (Mahle). Anybody know the differences? Which one should i
be using for which engine? 


"may the four winds blow you safely home"

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