[Vwdiesel] Solved! Re: 91 Eco Fan Troubles

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue May 5 14:57:01 PDT 2009

Solved: bad bearing burned out relay - fuses and fan fine.

Dual fan setup (Ecodiesel and Corrados?).  The 2nd fan (v-belt from the
main radiator fan) bearings are shot.  Fan seized, and burned out the
A/C relay, but only the part that runs the fan.  Fan itself is fine,
fuses are fine.  Hmmmm....  I put a lump of solder to reconnect the #5
radiator fan terminal to the #4 hot terminal on the relay, cut the belt
to the 2nd fan, and the car is alive!

Now to order a 2nd fan (nearly $200 - more than the fan with motor, but
still available new.) and another v-belt ($5ish)

Do I take it on the road trip with only one fan?  It does pull well up
those passes....

Thanks, Will.

P.S. there is a little 30A fuse on TOP of the fuse block.  I'm thinking
that it's the #23 fuse.

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