[Vwdiesel] torquing injectors

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon May 11 16:15:21 PDT 2009

> What should I know about removing &reinstalling injectors?  I already 
> have new heat shields.
> Should I use some sort of anti-seize compound on the injector threads?
> Any other advice?

  Push TOWARD the head or use an impact gun to loosen them.  
Do NOT PULL the bar away from the engine to loosen.  You can 
crack the head on the outboard part of the injector threads.  
Doesn't happe a lot but it happens. 
Injectors torque to 54lbs I believe as do the halves.  I do the halves 
closer to 60 though so in case I have to get one out with an open 
end wrench up top (ie behind the IP on a TD pump).
  Indeed a little anti-seize is almost mandatory. Same for glow plugs.

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