[Vwdiesel] HELP! '01 Golf annoyingly persistent codes

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Thu May 14 07:59:11 PDT 2009

I presume that the washer light is simply turned on by a circuit being opened in the reservoir, either by a float or two prongs not making "contact" when the level drops.  (Never looked very closely at it.)

My guess is maybe the wires to that sensor are iffy; they have a bad connection.  The mechanic moving them around while cleaning made them connect briefly, but the vibrations in driving moved them again.

Check the connector to the sensor and the wiring harness for chafing.

For the ABS sensor, please make sure the sensor itself and the speed ring are all clean before replacing anything.  

Also, in my old Corrado, the front sensors both threw codes, but it was chafing/breaking in the (very expensive!) wiring harness.  I was able to repair it.  I went to Radio Shack and purchased a waterproof coaxial cable repair kit.  Worked like a charm, at least for several months until I sold the car.

Dave Cook

--- On Thu, 5/14/09, Matt <matt_lisa at sprynet.com> wrote:

> From: Matt <matt_lisa at sprynet.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] HELP! '01 Golf annoyingly persistent codes
> To: "Rolf Pechukas" <rbp at 4u2bu.org>
> Cc: VW-TDI at yahoogroups.com, vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 1:58 PM
> With the glow plug light, every
> problem I've ever had dealt with the  
> harness.  I can clean up the harness and keep the
> light off for 6  
> months or so. Last winter, I had one glow plug actually
> die, and I  
> replaced all 4.  The light hasn't been back on since.
> Check the glow plug troubleshooting thread at
> TDIclub.  He lists every  
> part of the system and how to troubleshoot/repair it. 
> http://forums.tdiclub..com/showthread.php?p=749854
> It's either the relay, the plugs, or the harness. 
> There isn't much  
> else to go wrong.
> As for the other two problems, let us know how they turn
> out. :-)
> -Matt
> http://matt_lisa.home.sprynet.com/
> On May 14, 2009, at 7:45 AM, Rolf Pechukas wrote:
> > OK
> >
> > 3 persistent codes I can't get rid of -
> >
> > - engine light for GP circuit;
> >
> > - washer fluid light (!);
> >
> > - ABS light
> >
> > so I went to the local VW mechanic yesterday and had
> him supposedly
> > fix the issues (except ABS) and clear the codes
> >
> > he supposedly did the jumper trick on the GP circuit
> to 'fool' the
> > sensor into seeing no differential, and cleared that
> code, but that
> > lasted about 1/2 a minute
> > as soon as I drove down the road, eng lt came back on
> >
> > washer fluid fix lasted a little longer - overnight -
> he said he had
> > to clear some stuff bottom of the reservoir and reset
> the code
> > but fluid is topped up and I have light again this
> morning
> >
> > (man I miss my Rabbit)
> >
> > the ABS apparently needs the front right wheel speed
> sensor
> > an recommendations on where to purchase?
> > any thoughts about GP or washer circuits?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > ROlf in MA
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