[Vwdiesel] 82 Westy Rebuild

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Sun May 24 20:10:05 PDT 2009

The engine from the 82 diesel Westy is finally out, lots of thanks to
the folks over on the Diesel-Vanagon yahoogroup list for a ton of help.

This is my first full rebuild.

I've got the old pickup 1.6NA short block (a factory rebuild) at the
machine shop getting bored, .020 oversized pistons, the crank ground,
and all new bearings (including the intermediate shaft.)

I need to bring the head in as well, I was hoping I could use the
Vanagon head, but the air filter box was zip-tied together and the
filter wasn't seated right so the airbox was coated in dust and grime.
Probably contributed to the early death of the Vanagon's factory

Anything else I should do while I've got it apart?  Tranny is still in
the van, held up with a chain.  I assume there's a seal in there I
should go after?  Clutch has less than 20,000 on it.  What should I look
for to see if it's reusable, or should I just go for a new one?

The van has some rust and dings, so I'm trying to get it to be reliable,
not like new.



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