[Vwdiesel] '02 Golf starts/dies

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue May 26 21:53:04 PDT 2009

In a message dated 5/26/2009 2:46:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tadc at europa.com writes:

> So no transparent fuel line going to the pump?  Personally I've found 
> that bit of clear line to be invaluable in troubleshooting!

  I didn't look hard but I though of it when I was on the far side 
and didn't see any.  It doesn't act like fuel though.  It'll start, die, 
immediately start, die and so on.  It's more like the fuel's being 
cut off rather than sucking air or not pulling fuel.  Starts too soon 
after to be a restriction thing in the fuel.
  VAG com will hopefully come home with my friend tomorrow after 

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