[Vwdiesel] 98 TDI no glow

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed May 27 01:30:59 PDT 2009

> Now onto the 'manifold control pressure difference', or something like
> that code that keeps popping-up.  I'm thinking I need to replace all of
> those rotting rubber lines, eh?

Most common thing I've seen on these.  Problem can range from bad collapsed
hose, leaky hose, to oil from crankcase blowby getting into the linefrom
manifold to turbo and causing things to operate but just too slowly.  The 97
Passat did this for quite some time, until I used a vac pump and sucked the
oil out of the wastegate controller.  Yeah, in the wastegate controller
dashpot there was a big slug of oil that must have meandered down the line
over the years as mist.
If you smell oil in the car, there can be a leak in the hose behind the
firewall at the ECU passing compressed intake air to the space by the hvac
intake.  I've seen mice chew that hose through and build a nest in that
vicinity too.

> And, James, I hear that part about staying-up too late.  But what's
> this auto-steering gps thing?  Is that a farm joke?!

Grain farming is a tad more technical than most folks think.  My seeder is
66 feet wide, you can't drive by sight alone- too much overlap... on the
order of 10% at the very least.  I've added on a gps guidance steering
device that gets the overlap to a few inches.  When you consider that just
fertilizer and seed costs around a hundred an acre, and I seed 2260 acres,
ten percent adds up to enough quite quickly, not to mention a huge reduction
in operator fatigue over a day that runs from 8 this morning to now, 2am...
now to snooze and repeat as necessary.  

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