[Vwdiesel] Can 91 VW Jetta Engine with TDI be put in 88 gassy?

Jim Kvarnberg jimkvg at 3web.com
Sun Nov 1 07:35:55 PST 2009

Jim Kvarnberg wrote:
> My 91 VW Jetta TDI failed insurance inspection because of severe 
> structural rust problem along the right side.  I have a good gassy 88 
> VW Jetta, but its automatic transmission is shot.  The 91 Jetta has 
> five speed transmission.  Here is what I am thinking ... pull the gas 
> engine with tranny out of the 88 and the engine TDI with manual tranny 
> out of the 91 to put it in the 88.  May I hear your feedback or, if 
> any, instruction/suggestions on this?  Is this idea feasible?  Thank 
> you in advance.  Jim
Roger wrote:
I doubt the '91 is a TDI unless it has been swapped, like a 1.6TD 
(indirect injection). If so, both vehicles should be based on the A2 
platform and the swap would be pretty straight forward.  Only issues 
would be adding the pedal for the manual clutch.

Bryan wrote: Yes, you can pull the 1.6td eco diesel or td and 5 speed to 
put in the 88 Jetta, both A2, will fit fine.

Thank you Roger and Bryan for response to my question.  I stand correct 
re:  TDI  Yes it is not TDI.  It is TD.  I was confused because the guy 
who sold me the 91 car mentioned TDI.  Maybe I misunderstood him.  
Anyway, ... me still learning ... an old dog struggling to learn new 
trick!  I'm 66 and TD thing is just new to me.  Now re: swapping engine 
and other parts around. I just noticed that the exhaust pipe is a bit 
bigger in a TD car than that in a gassy car.  Should they also be 
swapped?   Yes I am aware that the whole idea is a huge job! :-)   Jim

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