[Vwdiesel] Swapping a good head-DIY head prep

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue Nov 10 09:57:00 PST 2009

How should stem length be set?  Is there a measurement I can take with
my current rebuild, or is it a bit of eyballing (valve with outline on
piston gets ground kinda thing)?

Does using a thinner shim helps "shorten" the stem, or does it just
change the time the valve is open?


Will in Alaska.

On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 11:57 -0500, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/10/2009 4:53:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> tgott at hotmail.com writes:
> > I would think that just as long as the valve heads aren't sticking past 
> > the head the only way to need a thicker than 3 notch gasket would be if you 
> > surfaced the block which you aren't suppose to do. 
> > 
>   Although the pickup's engine specs out to LESS than a one notch 
> head gasket by a full gasket's difference.  I could square up that 
> block a couple times and still use a regular range head gasket.  
>   The catch is the head gasket is for CR not valve clearance.  Someone 
> I talked to passed on a great deal on a brand new head because 
> the valves sat above the head surface.  I've personally put together 
> an engine where surfacing brought the head surface flush with the 
> valves.  Set the stem length correctly and it's not a problem.  In fact 
> that was the second best running 1.5 I'd seen.
>      Loren
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