[Vwdiesel] payload capacity

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Wed Nov 25 08:21:18 PST 2009

Your caddy goes 70??  ;)  

I've hauled full 55 gallon drums around no problem.  I regularly fill
the back with 35 gallon jugs of vegetable oil.  I remember bottoming the
springs/exhaust out with 23 jugs (about 800#)

That being said, I do notice slow braking and it's hard to keep it up at
highway speeds (Of course I'm pushing 300k on the original 1.6NA)

Will in Alaska.

On Wed, 2009-11-25 at 05:14 -0600, Doug & Pam wrote:
> What is the payload capacity of an 81' diesel Caddy? I'm planning to haul
> some equipment that weighs about 550 lbs. Will the Caddy do it at highway
> speed (70 mph)?
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